Friday, April 1, 2011

Spornette International is currently celebrating their 60th year in the professional beauty industry. They have been around for three generations offering the perfect brush for every hair type.
The company was established by Walter Sporn and eventually taken over by his daughter. And now her daughter works for the company. This company is entirely devoted to family. One of his daughters, Rebecca also joined the company in the mid 90's. So they are well-established and are entering the future with knowledge that will keep the tradition of Spornette alive.
If your even in doubt on what type of brush to purchase you can check out the
section devoted to choosing the perfect brush on their website. Spornette, Battalia, and Vectra brushes, combs, clips, curlers, rollers, and foot tools are available at over 5,000 beauty supply distributors and stores nationwide.


  1. They make great brushes!!!

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