Sunday, August 23, 2015

Great warm weather beverage ideas. #spon @iCoffee

The 2015-2016 school year is fast approaching, and chilly winds are soon to follow. From soothing hot chocolate and tea, to a fresh cup of coffee, your will soon be looking for the perfect way to warm up, wake up, and entertain family and friends as the temperatures drop.

Here are some ways that you can use iCoffee to stay warm and entertain loved ones indoors:  

Rise and Shine! iCoffee offers coffee lovers the freedom of using any single-serve k-cups and, thanks to SpinBrew™ Technology, enjoy premium quality taste without having to sacrifice the convenience (or speed) of a hot single-served cup of coffee. At the end of the day, opt for decaf grounds and enjoy a smooth nightcap with friends before hitting the sheets.

Feeling under the weather? Add cinnamon or another spice of your choice to iCoffee’s iCup, an ecofriendly reusable k-cup, and curl up under a blanket as you recover. Non coffee drinkers can also use fresh mint leaves or ginger to make a morning cup of tea that will give them energy for the day ahead.

Can't forget the kiddoes. Kids love this sweet treat: with iCoffee, use the k-cup of your choice to create a delectable mug of hot chocolate every time. It’s the perfect way to spend some quality time as a family after a long day playing in crisp fall leaves or trick-or-treating.

Each iCoffee single serve model is equipped with Burrows’ patented SpinBrew™ Technology that lets users brew their favorite flavors for an impossibly smooth cup of coffee without sacrificing convenience. iCoffee single serve brewers also accept all reusable, biodegradable and recyclable k-cup options, unlike other single serve brewers which accept only brand-name, non-recyclable k-cups.

iCoffee Opus is available at Bed, Bath and Beyond stores nationwide. Additional information can be found at

Also, check out iCoffee’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram 


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