The Pink Celebration Bouquet's are artistically arranged by a local florist with gorgeous pink roses, hot pink daises and asiatic lilies in one beautiful pink fluted vase. At first glance I loved the vibrant colors from the pink daisies they were so beautiful and the entire arrangement had a soft floral scent that filled my room beautifully. I can't remember the last time I received flowers but I will remember this gift for years to come.
Surprise the women in your life and save 15% on your order using code 'blogger15'. Alternatively, check out for other promotion codes.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Congrats to you on this special day (early) hehe. NO pun intended. I think I have a few ideas/places to shop this year. Appreciate it! :)
ReplyDeleteVery pretty -- both you and the flowers! Great post! I'll FWD the promo info
ReplyDeleteAw you are one lucky mama! Are they offering a giveaway ;) ?????
ReplyDeleteI love the colors! And you glowin' girl!
ReplyDeleteWow! They are pretty and so are you. Keep up with the great work you will get there. Soon!
ReplyDeleteSIMPLY STUNNING. And the flowers are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteHow adorable! They are pretty!
ReplyDeleteSend me some please??? ;)
ReplyDeleteyay! thanks for the discount code/info
ReplyDeletebeautiful both you and the flowers! thanks for the code ideas.
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful! XOXO
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