Recently, I've become addicted to This is is the perfect place to find that 'unique gift' or one of a kind handmade item. You can find items for the home to items for yourself or your child.
I was introduced to 'My Lil Market' which is located in Columbus, Ohio! The owner and creator, Jeemaa has a vast array of degrees and she's a stay at home mom. Her newest passion is creating mommy necklaces that are not only durable but practical and functional. She loves scrap-booking and cooking and walks with her husband and sweet little baby boy.
The package she sent for review had a very chic necklace which was of course handmade! Not only was the necklace handmade she included a card that she made as well! I love it when companies large and small go the extra 'mile' to show they really care and connect with the customer!
I'm a huge fan of stay at home moms. Let alone stay at home moms that have a passion! My Lil Market would receive 5 out of 5 stars! Check out 'My Lil Market!'
I love work at home moms!